June 27, 2018 Horoscope


Love – You are really making an effort to both look good and be more charming, Aries are looking to flirt and open up conversations that can quickly turn romantic.

Career – You have a great pride in what you do right now and you present with more aplomb and yet your affable manner belies a very persuasive arm twisting determination to get your own way.

Health – A time of inner balance and less internal conflict and thus Aries can smooth over differences in all your personal relationships, and make better judgments when it comes to conflict resolution.


Love – Situations that arise may well push your buttons and arouse that Taurean temper. The way others express power can rub you up the wrong way and you may find yourself caught up in significant struggles that consume you.

Career – You are a little less motivated and thus you look for the easy way out and may just cut corners, you are not lazy, but you are not driven right now.

Health – Taurus may suffer indigestion and you cannot resist things which you know are not good for you. Post nasal drip and allergies may flare if you eat too many foods with additives.


Love – A great time for a first date. Gemini in general project with a caring and open attitude in love and that improves marriages, sex life and helps you make a very good impression in terms of physical appeal and your general attitude.

Career – There is an easy energy about to day and you don’t feel under pressure with the result that you will avoid major decisions and tend to procrastinate a little.

Health – A good time for a lazy evening in the sun; the good weather may make you feel like anything but work or fitness training and you are most likely to arrange an impromptu get together with some snacks.


Love – You have a very big heart right now and you tend to be very forgiving, you will overlook most things and take an attitude of ‘out of sight out of mind’, some of the darker things are just not going to get onto your radar.

Career – You may spend more time assisting others and teaching than you will working on your own goals. Needless to say this may be a very significant day for teaches in terms of your pupils achievements.

Health – Although today is advantageous for sporting activities that enhance you in some way, ie competitively or in terms of fitness, Cancer may prefer to use this time to relax and to enjoy some introspection to clarify your aims for the next period.


Love – A time when you want to build bridges and you may feel the need to make friends with someone you fell out with, or have not spoken to for a while, but before you do try and remember why you stopped talking as that reason could be forgotten during this whole hearted and rose coloured glasses phase where you want to spread love.

Career – It may be mid week but Leo already feel like the weekend is beckoning and there is something about a holiday feel at the office and you can use the good vibes to get agreement and encourage cooperation even among people are usually at each other’ throats.

Health – Leo who are single may feel rather lonely right now and for you guys food and other special treats may have to fill the gap. A good time to ask what is going wrong in your love life and in terms of other life enhancing relationships? Is work getting in the way? Have you been too cynical or demanding?


Love – You feel confident and no matter what is going on in your love life you have this faith that things will work out and that better days lie ahead after a few bumps.

Career – It is not often that I have to tell Virgo not to count chickens before they hatch, but right now Virgo can make assumptions and leap to conclusions without all the facts.

Health – A time filled with interest, distractions and some gossip and that can help Virgo deal with the anxiety you often suffer from – you are fully engaged in life and your spirits lift.


Love – Libra can use the power of attraction to draw positive experiences in love towards you – it is not about what you do or say but how you feel. Genuine confidence and inner self-assurance lead to meeting people who can enhance your life and your sex life.

Career – Libra may be organising things and thinking about taking a few hours or days off so that you can spend time with loves ones as things at work are tailing off and you can see a window for some time away from the office or your home office.

Health – This is a good time to ask for support and to find other people who you can ask a favour of or call a favour in – if friends are not there to help you out then are they really friends? Good friends are helpful and happy to give you a hand right now.


Love – If the earth does not move you may feel an anti climax, Scorpio have such high expectations of others right now that even a good result can feel like a let down.

Career – While your effort is not in question, some of your methods can be inappropriate – you may do too much of one activity while neglecting another or others may find you high handed.

Health – It is hard for Scorpio to find satisfaction right now – you work harder, play harder, train harder and perhaps eat or drink more as you never know when enough is enough and you need to try and settle down.


Love – Sagittarians respond to emotion today and so the more someone is open, expressive and even dramatic the more Sagittarius opens up and wants to protect and nurture. If you play a Sag by being cool, you will get no response.

Career – A very good day for dealing with the public, coordinating events and acting as a go between – you have the ability to balance the needs of various parties and keep everyone pacified.

Health – Watch your alcohol consumption, especially if it is very hot and you are not hydrated, as one leads to another and you may end up with a hangover tomorrow.


Love – You are not your usual Capricorn self in terms of being reliable; you want your partner to back off and stand up for themselves while you experience some freedom.

Career – Pursue new ideas today, a good time to brainstorm, do research or get among people from your industry you have not met before to throw some ideas around and gossip about industry events.

Health – Boredom and routine can lead to lethargy and even headaches and so make sure today is one of communication and interaction rather than long hours slogging over a laptop.


Love – Keeping your partner happy may be expensive right now; they can arm twist you into spoiling them. A new date or person you are attracted to may just be expecting too much in terms of eating out and phone calls – can you afford him/her.

Career – Delay spending now as you are not able to resist a sales pitch, you are simply vulnerable to the charms of the salesperson especially if they are of the opposite sex.

Health – You may get more joy from watching sports and experiencing the competitive vibe vicariously through others than participating.


Love – A time of interesting encounters rather than romantic ones and so do not discount anything that happens now as you never know where it may end up.

Career – While there is a risk of overreaching your limits, luck generally is on your side so that things typically work out in your favour as your attitude is good.

Health – Foods to avoid right now are: breakfast cereals, bread, beer, chocolate and cakes; foods to dig into are: olive oil, broccoli, spinach, lamb, potatoes and coconut water.

JUN 27


Love – You are very caught up in the moment and your inability to see the wider perspective or understand the emotions of others can make you a little hard to get on with.

Career – Even your allies may create friction for your today; the people you usually rely on may have different agendas and can work at cross purposes to you.

Health – You have to take a long term view today; it is a time of frustrations and you cannot let emotions get the better of you, keep your eye in the prize without focusing on the bump in the road.


Love – You should avoid conflict situations even if your anger is totally justifiable, nothing can be gained from angry words and confrontation.

Career – With Mars retrograde in your 10th house some promising new avenues for you career may come to a crashing halt and you will have to take stock and pick up the pieces again, perhaps with the realisation that you had jumped the gun.

Health – Taurus may feel a little like the wind has gone out of your sails and you must look to gather momentum slowly again as trying to hit the ground running with a new plan is just not an option – you must accept slow progress.

Daily Horoscope June 8, 2018


Love – Aries are honest but they also value their privacy; so while they may tell you just what is one their mind, they may not be ready to share what is deeply buried in their heart.

Career – Aries have a suspicious mind today, you are inclined to disbelieve what you hear and to go digging deeper – this is healthy scepticism and can be the way you gain an advantage in the long term.

Health – This is a day when decisions weigh heavier, you are not taking things lightly and you may feel pangs of guilt and even anxiety over the impact certain of your choices have on others and this drains you of energy and makes you somewhat indecisive.


Love – Taurus are very territorial today, you are not into sharing and you demand respect for both your possessions and the value both emotional and monetary you bring to the table.

Career – The long term ramifications of any money management or investment decision you may are more vital and more significant than the short term and so you have to do your research on knock on effects.

Health – This can be an anxious and also a confusing time; Taurus like things to be black and white and when you find yourself drifting in this grey no man’s lands for days on end your stress levels rise.


Love – New relationships suffer some turmoil today as Gemini are very critical and can be quite undiplomatic when you spot something that you perceive as odd or inconsistent.

Career – Your need for power is awakened today and you are more assertive in expressing your views and not that accepting of opposing views or dissent – your way or the highway!

Health – Gemini are taking a short term view of health – you don’t tend to worry about what you can get away with today ie excess sun and booze, but some things have a cumulative effect that can very hard to reverse.


Love – Sometimes secrets are important in relationships – you need a part of your life that is off limits even to the person you are closest to and that place serves as a retreat into which you can withdraw and also regroup.

Career – Your strength today is in your ability to hold back, adopt a poker face and sit it out longer than others as you can hold your nerve.

Health – Cancerians should incorporate more foods like melon, watercress and sea weed into their diet right now for iodine, lutein and beta carotene – these are highly flavoured and refreshing in smoothies or salads.


Love – Leo can be a little extreme and dramatic today – sometime Leo have to have some drama in their lives and while that may come as a shock to a new partner, your spouse won’t take your too seriously as they know you are just letting off steam.

Career – Leo have to commit to decisions right now – make up your mind and go with it leaving the other choices in the dust as you have no revere gear and so step up the pace and gather momentum.

Health – Leo can be a little neurotic right now; some of your health concerns are exaggerated and you are on the verge of being a hypochondriac.


Love – While Virgo are big sticklers for honesty, you are not a fool and you will never drop yourself or your partner in hot water for the sake of honesty – you are well capable of putting honesty aside for strategic purposes.

Career – You hold the power in terms of the groups and teams in which your operate, your opinion and your ideas hold more sway that you may realise and so don’t be surprised if you throw out an idea and it suddenly spreads like wild fire.

Health – This is a time when you should be cautious with the thoughts you allow to circulate in your mind; you can slip into pessimistic and negative cynicism if you are not careful.


Love – High ideals in love have to give way to practical decision making – not everyone wants to go high, some want to go low and you have to be able to deal with that.

Career – Family pressures and strong emotions that get stirred up within your home environment can interfere with travel plans for work trips both local and international.

Health – Librans have to reply on themselves; when you look about for support you find nothing but confusion and you need your level Libran head to navigate a rather murky time right now.


Love – Information you gleam from outside the relationship either from relatives or from books can undermine intimate understanding – do others really knno best, trust yourself and your own instincts.

Career – You are highly persuasive today and you will not take no for an answer and yet while you may have success, at what cost? Your attitude may work today but may damage relations with clients longer term.

Health – Scorpio need to appreciate what is under their nose; right now you tend to have this grasser in greener on the other side mentality which is undermining both your sex life and you family relationships.


Love – Money is a very thorny for Sagittarians and can be the source of long silent treatments and some sulking – your will tend to use indirect methods to make your point and you are pretty stubborn and immovable on your position.

Career – It can be very hard to get agreement with others as there are vested interests and perhaps some hidden agendas that may not seem obvious right now.

Health – Sagittarians are living on adrenalin right now; the fast pace of life is giving you a buzz, but it will all catch up on you and so make sure you are eating varied and regular meals and getting to bed as early as possible given you schedule.


Love – You are not at your most tolerant and yet you will seek to avoid conflict and this can mean you fall silent and are quite sullen when your loved one displeases you. You may opt to stay in and have a quite evening as you have much on your mind.

Career – You can get really angry with colleagues today – not everyone shares your commitment and that is very disturbing and disappointing to you.

Health – Your perfectionistic and work-a-holic side comes to the fore today – Capricorn may work late even though it is Friday and even when you knock off work is never far from your mind and you tend to play events out over and over in your head.


Love – The less conscious you are about your true needs in love the more you will attract intense, roller-coaster relationships which may give you a buzz, but can leave you totally flat soon after.

Career – An excellent time to work with creative projects that use strong psychological or subliminal images to connect with people subconsciously. You have to be aware on the sun text of anything you promote or publish as it may speak more loudly than the obvious message.

Health – Dream analysis, hypnosis and any form of therapy that can bypass your conscious, rational mind can be very helpful, but your barriers are strong and so it may take some time and so stick with it.


Love – Pisces are immune to demands and also to guilt trips; you may feel that you are emotionally drained and you need to seek inspiration and release away from what is most familiar and usually most safe.

Career – Peer pressure can be very valuable now; as long as you have associated with the ‘right’ people, today they can help you break old habits and set you free of systems and approaches that were limiting your potential.

Health – A day where blood really does not feel thicker than water, friends can give you what your family seem unable to right now.

Daily Horoscope June 4, 2018


Love – You are quick to jump to your partner’s defence; you will not have those you love criticised or attacked in anyway and this may also include clashing with your in-laws on your partner’s behalf.

Career – You tend to go with your heart today; even if what you do does not make sense, if it feels right them it is good as far as you are concerned. Aries do well when they act on instinct and that is what you are doing now.

Health – Today your health can change fast; headaches come n quickly and ten disappear and so do aches and pains. If you start feeling rough, do not be too concerned it will pass.


Love – This is not a time when you take things lightly and so nothing will be ignored; you will react and delve deeper even if what was said was intended to be a passing comment.

Career – You have to analyse deeply what you are trying to achieve in any given situation especially if it involves dealings with others; if you are vague about your motivations, you may end up creating a web of unhelpful actions that oppose eachother.

Health – Even if you feel strongly moved or affected by an issue, it is best to remain detached if it does not affect you directly, or else you can become totally submerged in the resulting emotions to the detriment of your own life.


Love – In love you have to get your ego out of the way; Gemini are making team work and growth of the relationship impossible as you are too wrapped up in your own perspectives.

Career – This week brings many opportunities to shine with your communication and language skills, and so when thinking ahead make sure you are taking every chance you have to speak and present your ideas and perspectives publically.

Health – The effect of the sun (as a planet) brings fast recuperation and renewed zest for projects and initiatives of self improvement and empowerment.


Love – Relationship can be hard work right now and the effort you are putting it will take time to pay off and so stick with it and keeping believing. Cancer will be asking: what is love and what does it really mean for me.

Career – This is a week of important milestones on the way to you main goals for this and next year; the main challenge is to keep momentum going after each milestone not slacking off to wallow in the achievement.

Health – Cancer need to avoid the sun and also to pace yourself if it is very humid where you live or work – not a day to take on the weather, don’t be a hero and toil in the midday heat especially.


Love – Your partner may be making increasing demands on you and while you have been happy to oblige it is now beginning to feel like one way traffic and you need to act now to stem the flow,.

Career – Your opinions, no matter how valid and true can get you into hot water and so spend more time evaluating the mood and sensitives of others before wading in.

Health – Leo are easily bored today – it is a good day to multi task and allow yourself to flit from subject to subject dipping into each to get a flavour rather than nailing yourself down to one topic or task.


Love – Idle gossip can cause trouble in your relationship (especially if you are newly attached or dating) and so make sure you disregard hearsay and get to the source.

Career Take the initiative and step up a campaign if you sell products via social media, but keep the ball rolling after contact with new clients or potential clients is established as the personal touch is vital in money making today and this week.

Health – There is a strong desire for reform and change, and that does not only apply to you, but to everyone around you. You may decide to get fit and then twist the arm of your partner or siblings to join you and improve their health at the same time.


Love – A time when making a tough decision in love can actually leave you feeling freer and with less guilt than you imagined. Say what needs to be said and the outcome may be very different to what you expected but in a good way.

Career – It is time to either fully commit to a course of action or ditch it – if your heart is not in something now, it will not work despite all the effort you put in.

Health – To attract what you want you have to give something up – brining in the new means letting go of something either physical or psychological or even habitual that has lost real purpose for you.


Love – Scorpio are driven by a need to change people and remake them in your own image; the biggest challenge for you is acceptance and letting the cards fall where they may. Let up on this need to influence and enjoy the randomness of others and their perspectives

Career – You must try and not let your own personality interfere with sound judgement – business is not always about you, it is about what works whether you like it or not.

Health – Scorpio love to test their boundaries and this leads you to be extreme a times, emotionally extreme. Living on the edge or pushing the envelope makes you feel alive, but it can take over your life and warp your sense of reality.


Love – The need to be right and to lecture can be getting in the way of effective communication; Sagittarians often do not realise how much they adopt a morally superior attitude.

Career – You could be dabbling in intricate and exciting new projects and you will have a chance to gain experience of new industries as well as take on extra responsibility.

Health – A desire not to let people down can lead to a full plate and a mad rush – ask how you prioritise and who reality deserves your time as you are not being discerning enough in this.


Love – Capricorn hate to be a burden and you are annoyed at yourself when you ask favours, but often the partners you chose really want to help and they enjoy it when you show a vulnerable side.

Career – You get very annoyed when you are disrespected or when your authority in a mater is questioned, but you need to brush this off today and move on; let it go, it just is not that important in the scheme of things even if it feels so now.

Health – The key to your own happiness is not allowing the struggles of others to occupy your mind to a greater degree to the ability you have to practically or morally assist them.


Love – Love opportunities can be kept at bay due to this crippling self doubt you have now – you really are not seeing yourself in perspective and you try too hard making a hash of things.

Career – Stop obsessing; you have done great and yet you keep trying to pick things apart and wonder where you could have done better.

Health – Aquarian men, especially men rather than women today, are trying to make everyone around them happy, but in doing so you are showing no loyalty so spread your love more strategically.


Love – When in company of potential partners, do not be afraid to show you zany, quirky creative side even if you are in a work situation – use your flair and humour no matter where you are, even in the dry cleaner or supermarket and love can bloom.

Career – You are easily distracted today and so if you want to get anything done remove your phone, shut the door or discourage conversation and close down any webpages not totally related to your main activity.

Health – Pisces often tend to think things are permanent and yet nothing ever is, the planets keep moving and we keep growing into new circumstances with opportunities for change.

Daily Horoscope June 3, 2018


Love – Set time aside for love – spoil yourself and your loved one with massages, foot rubs and a TV dinner; make the most of Sunday but indulging in what you both enjoy most and shutting out distractions.

Career – A time to bring greater organisation to what you do – put the bigger plans on the back burner and get to grips with details and tie up lose ends ahead of the week.

Health – Greater energy and motivation mean even ambitious goals for fitness and sporting pursuits can be achieved today. You are at your most competitive and also most agile.


Love – Love can be quite a tense arena today – there are things unsaid and emotions bubbling below the surface which are hard to define but which are making you uneasy.

Career – Taurus are feeling some pressure; it is as if you have to up your game and yet you do not quite have a strategy set out yet. You have to put a few things in place and trust that the bigger pieces will fall into place and they will.

Health – Unhealthy food can make you very lethargic now and so address tiredness by avoiding fast food and pre pared food instead of drinking coffee.


Love – A time for single Gemini to be more philosophical in love, if you explore different ways to allow love into your life you can discover what brings you lasting contentment rather than momentary delight.

Career – Good things come to your from the karmic cycle and so progress in your career is more about your past actions towards others than anything else.

Health – If you have any pending financial matters to settle, do it now rather than putting it off for Monday as that which plays on your mind drags you down more than you think.


Love – In marriage and also romance you may have to bide your time; nothing much is happening and you cannot force the issue. Play it cool and wait for signs that the tide will soon bring in a new wave on which to ride.

Career – In terms of career you have done enough talking, you have set out your stall, you should stay quiet and not add any more information or argument to the arena until you see what your opponent or superior is going to throw back. The ball is in their court.

Health – Artistic expression can be very relaxing and so the best way to unwind is to hall out the paints or the pencils or indulge in any form of creativity even singing in the shower to help you blow off steam.


Love – Sun approaching a square with Neptune makes being straightforward impossible as emotions are too complex and you wish to avoid showing weakness, however do not hide the truth or obscure it with bluster.

Career – There is a cold light of day realism dawning in terms of career prospects and this is excellent as your recent lofty plans can now be moulded into something more practical.

Health – In health, back pain can be an issue and this may stem from new exercises you are doing or to a poor quality bed and so if it does not ease up after a few days look into getting another bed or foam topper or perhaps it is chair you use which needs some adjustments.


Love – You may feel that your partner is rather self centred and even intolerant of your deeper needs and emotions, you may have to accept this indifference for a few days; being dramatic about it will not help.

Career – Don’t hanker after chances lost, things have now moved on and instead of trying to salvage something, wipe the slate clean and focus on the next big opportunity or plan of action.

Health – Faith is the vital element in health – without believe in your diet plan or exercise routine or even in your personal trainer you cannot progress. Cultivating positivity assists in all health matters even more so than usual, so drive yourself forward with inspiring thoughts and keep doubts and negativity at bay.


Love – The time for talking is over – you need to see some action. If Librans are finding that you are still having to explain yourself or nag a partner, you may have to accept they are just not going to get it and you need to move on from the issue or even from the relationship.

Career – Getting ahead in your career means you have to focus on the way you manage people and the manner in which you communicate strategy – you have to be more creative about disseminating your message and that means being clear and simple as well as positive. You must believe in what you say if you want others to act 100% on your instructions.

Health – This is a very good time for health as you feel more relaxed and are more at ease and less conflicted. It is however a time when you indulge more in alcohol and sweet treats and so calorie counting may not be going well.


Love – In new love affairs, what was going swimmingly and seeming like a summer haze of romance may be about to enter a rather complicated patch and so watch out for this and stay on your guard for control issues surfacing.

Career – All may not be what is seems with a new opportunity that is coming up this week and so stay wary of offers from those in authority as they may seek to disguise ‘hard work for no more pay’ as some sort of chance to shine.

Health – Avoid fresh ginger or chilli peppers and even garlic; Scorpio do not react well to these flavours right now. Make sure stir fries you purchase do not have these as part of the mix.


Love – In romance Sagittarians can be a little emotional and not always that rational – keep things light hearted and stay joking with your sarcastic wit, don’t get too deep or you may end up feeling all at sea and a little confused at the reaction you get.

Career – Get well prepared if you are gearing up for any presentation or encounter with the media or a large group as this chance to take the limelight may be more important for you than you currently think.

Health – It may be worth asking more questions before you enter a sexual relationship with someone. In any event, stay cynical and stay protected.


Love – Strong feelings, courtesy of Mars conjunct the moon, cause you to react quickly and impulsively in you marriage; with reason often having little baring on your decisions. You are emotionally quite charged up making this a volatile day, but a pro active one.

Career – Do not be complacent in your dealings with managers or your boss; their mood may be about to take a turn for the worse and so prepare to get on their good side if they still have one.

Health – Capricorn should focus on heart health this coming week and so other than eating more oily fish and less fried food, remember that yoga, Pilates and resistance training are all excellent for your heart and have low barriers to entry in terms of being accessible to most age groups and fitness levels.


Love – You keep changing your mind in terms of decisions that affect your love life and that can make you tricky to be with as you don’t seem to know what you want or when you want it.

Career – Time to be charming and more diplomatic; you tend to be very stubborn and that can be counter productive even if you are convinced that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Hear people out in the short run and you may be surprised.

Health – Aquarians are feeling very tense and this can make you snappy and irritable; avoid arguments and avoid sparing partners. Try and look for neutral activities that engage mentally and physically without the risk of confrontation.


Love – Stay busy as right now the devil will make work for idle hands; or to put it another way, if you linger to entertain negative thoughts about your love life these can snowball into unhelpful confrontations

Career – You may have to make some brave decisions this coming week and so stay in a fight ready mode – be prepared for action rather than assuming you will get what you want in a passive manner.

Health – Over eagerness or over confidence can lead you into situations that may do you no good in terms of physical or emotional health and so no jumping into the deep end.

Daily Horoscope June 2, 2018


Love – There is a calming, healing energy in your life right now and this extends to intimate relationships where there is tender acceptance and understanding promoting an connection that can defy words.

Career – A grand trine in water brings out your empathetic side and you are motivated by the human side of any situation – a day when your heart strings have more sway with you than logic.

Health – The dreamer in you is activated – Aries are big readers and you love fiction especially, making this your ideal way to relax this Saturday and stimulate your vivid imagination.


Love – This is a very idealistic and romantic time in Taureans’ love life; you can afford to ignore reality for a little while and indulge in your wildest expectations and fantasies.

Career – With a grand trine in your 3rd, 11th and 7th houses, joint money making initiatives and pursuing goals in tandem with like minded people can bring fast success and also bring you closer to strongly held dreams you thought were out of reach.

Health – A day when your hopes and dreams get a boost and when any plan should be considered no matter how outlandish – you need to start thinking big, drawing others towards you and putting our feelers to attract communication from people who have complimentary skills and similar purpose in life.


Love – You are very open minded in love and romance and you can fall quickly in love and have a very fulfilling even if totally impractical love affair starting now.

Career – The grand trine in water affect your money and work houses and this gives massive impetus to creative and artistic projects – Gemini can profit now both in performance based careers and in the management of them.

Health – Your health is good, but you are not suited to strenuous work or very gruelling exercise or physical pursuits. A day for a relaxing swim, fishing, walking by the lake and taking deep breaths and grabbing a little sunshine.


Love – This is an excellent time for single Cancerians as you can have a whale of a time socially, meeting new people and feeling freer to express parts of your personality that are more daring and edgy. Love life tends to me more exhilarating and boundless rather than restrictive and responsibility laden.

Career – Sometimes it is good to let yourself off the hook and be a little wild – a time to experiment with ideas and a day when crazy inventions and solutions can come from nowhere and take shape.

Health – With Venus in your first house trine Jupiter and Neptune it is all about excess and throwing caution to the wind rather than binding yourself to anything limiting or being disciplined.


Love – This is a time to where others may play games with you and you have to be alert to their intentions – some cynicism is required as you hold back emotionally. No wearing your heart on your sleeve.

Career – Leo are a little low in confidence; you are in a period of retreat where you are feeling safer hovering in the background rather than putting your self out there to take the limelight. Not a time to lead, but a time to ponder and delve into the depths of your own psyche and that of others.

Health – The grand trine in water affecting your 4th, 8th and 12th houses make this a deeply emotional and person time. What you are feeling now is profound and will affect the deepest most out of sight parts of your personality. A time for introspection and reflection.


Love – There is a desire to save others now and that can play out in your relationship sphere, but it could lead to you taking on more than you can handle in the long run in terms of a turbulent relationship.

Career – You are skilled at advice giving right now and so whether it be as part of your work or in terms of contact you have with colleagues, you are there to solve their problems and work through any issues especially those to do with feelings of victimisation.

Health – You are fast to act and are in a problem solving frame of mind which means you are able to knock any health issues on the head – a stitch in time saves nine they say, but fast action now no only saves time but also pain and anguish.


Love – Thanks to your ruler in a grand trine with Neptune and Jupiter, relationships may run smoothly now, as you are compassionate and positive playing a balancing role as you can make your partner feel good no matter what the situation.

Career – There is a greater deal of trust in your interactions with others and that can help you make progress fast as you have a good feeling that the outcome will bear fruit and you are willing to take a risk.

Health – Librans enjoy fine food today and you may splash out on more expensive wines or fancy food; but expensive food is often as full of bad fast as cheap and nasty food as so do not be fooled.


Love – With your 7th house ruler trine Neptune and Jupiter this signifies a rather exciting and adventurous time in love – marriages have an injection of much needed tenderness and also greater imagination, but this does not mean you should jump into commitment. Experiment and yet do not commit.

Career – Scorpio are keen to play about with money and be more creative in terms of the way you invest – you may look to learn more about crypto currency or even employ some riskier tactics in terms of personal money management. You are very curious in terms of money and this inclines you to look further afield for options.

Health – With your 6th ruler trine Mercury, variety is vital in terms of your diet and also your daily routine and so mix things up and use today to introduce a new cycle or jogging route or a new recipe or a new super food.


Love – You enjoy going against the grain and so you may like to shock your partner with suggestions that seek to catapult the relationship to a more riving new level. It may not be about what you do, but the thought of what could be possible.

Career – A day of luck and good fortune, being open to anything and everything usually rewards you with some happy surprises that can bring a welcome shift in fortunes or breath of fresh air that re awakens your creativity.

Health – Concentrate on what you eat while you eat it – eating mindlessly in front of TV means you eat 18% more.


Love – Capricorn are often very set in terms of what you believe is possible in terms of a relationship outcome – this is a great day to make decision which totally disrupts those expectations and when you dare to ask if another reality is possible to the one you have always known.

Career – A very good time to promote something which is brand new or very different. It is also a good time to try out a totally new advertising or promotional method

Health – Are you hungry or are your bored? You may just be nibbling or even smoking as you are fidgety and have energy which is not being productively used.


Love – Patience is necessary if you are after better sex and yet perhaps better sex is not what Aquarians are after, just more sex more often.

Career – A good word from a colleague to a boss could set you up for a pay rise or a commendation – your team and your co workers appreciate you and they are proud of what you are doing.

Health – How well do you chew? The more you chew the greater you experience texture and flavour and the more fulfilled you feel from less food.


Love – You love entertaining others with stories and also jokes today and so you will be at your happiest where your partner is a good listener or is happy to give you the floor. A perfect time for love if your partner is Leo.

Career – Pisces may be in for a bonus soon or you may be about to hit a target and get an added financial reward. This is a day when financial benefits can accrue directly or possible more indirectly as people step in to sponsor you or your cause.

Health – Take your time over meals; the slower you eat the less you eat as your brain has time to register the intake and flick the kill switch on appetite.