Hi Guys, I have just released this! $1.99. Would love dome support and reviews.
2015 for Star Sign Aries Revealed

Aries are impatient and like to be first and so that is why Lazuli’s very first horoscope book for 2015 is for you.


Following the success of HOROSCOPE 2014: Astrology and Numerology Horoscopes, Lazuli will be releasing 12 books: one for each star sign’s horoscope for 2015.

Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2015 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering ‘what now’ in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2015? What opportunities can they supply the energy for?

Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the cyber pages of Kindle with this insightful and motivational book.

Includes a detailed yearly overview for Aries, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career.

A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level. #aries #arieshoroscope #horoscope2015 #astrology

REVIEW for PALEO DIET: Get Started, Get Motivated, Feel Great

REVIEW for PALEO DIET: Get Started, Get Motivated, Feel Great

“I must confess, as someone who counts nurses and dieticians as part of her immediate family, I am weary of diet books and the eating/exercise industry in general. As a result, I approached Elizabeth Gordon’s PALEO DIET with some trepidation: this couldn’t actually tell me anything I didn’t already know, packaged up as a supposed amazing new discovery, could it?? Yet this accessible, interesting book really changed my mind!

The Paleo Diet book sets itself up as a guideline, not a bible which I really appreciate – I hate the standard, mocking “do this or you’re an idiot” of so many similar books. Gordon’s conversational tone is like a trusted friend, taking you through every element of the so-called “Caveman diet”. She talks about the history of food and what changing your mindset and lifestyle can do for you in terms of health benefits. As a cancer survivor myself, this is obviously on my mind a lot both for me and my family, so this was especially welcome. Gordon is also honest, saying that in the short term The Paleo Diet will NOT make your life easier, but then I think things worth doing never are. The costs of following a Paleo Diet do concern me, but the recommendation of another book at the end of this one for those who are “cash strapped” (as we are) gives me hope that we can find a good compromise on this.

There are celebrity endorsements of the Paleo Diet and whilst not a pull for me, I can appreciate why some people would be interested in these. I personally enjoyed Gordon’s references to the “dupermarket” – I believe supermarkets and big businesses are in the habit of manipulation re: commerce and particular products being good for us (when they’re not) too. I agree with Gordon that consumerism and a reliance on sugars, processed foods and wheat is not good for us, yet I’ve felt powerless to do anything but merely limit my family’s intake and make basic switches, like olive oil instead of vegetable oil.

This book is packed with tasty looking recipes that genuinely look delicious and are not just the same-old, same-old I’ve seen before – I was particularly intrigued by the Zucchini (courgette) fries. I feel like my eyes have been opened to the possibilities of a radically different diet, which does not include “rabbit food”, but a real enjoyment of tasty foods, even including desserts (and given as a family we ALL have a sweet tooth, this is VERY important!). Thanks, Elizabeth Gordon!”

HOLLY LEAVES a modern Greek tragedy FREE TODAY Sat 26

HOLLY LEAVES A stage or radio play and a thrilling read for lovers of mystery and drama.

When five friends go to a psychic for a reading; the predictions make no sense at all because they just cannot envision the tragic circumstances in which everything the psychic says will come to pass.

A group of relatives and pals agree to go for a group reading with a mysterious psychic: their emotions range from eager anticipation to nervous excitement and in the case of Sasha a poo-poing and putting it all down to hocus pocus entertainment.

Yesod catches their attention with pin point accuracy about their pasts and inner conflicts; however her predictions about the future appear to some baffling and out of sync with the reality they all know. Even sceptic Sasha is thrown off kilter by Yesod’s apparent inability – or was it rather a disguised refusal – to read her.

The session strikes a chord of confusion and self doubt into Lee and Gemma; but was the reading so elliptical for Lianne. Did she read something into it the others have missed? Why does Lianne go asking pertinent questions about her past while alienating herself from the others?
Michelle is overcome with guilt: she believes she knows that her own dirty secret lies behind Lianne’s strange behaviour. Confiding in Lee, she reveals all.
But is Michelle’s hunch correct or is the truth so deeply buried in the psyche of one of the other friends that even Yesod could not perceive it.

Seemingly unbreakable friendships are wrecked in a web of deception, lies and infidelity and someone will pay the ultimate price. Nothing is as it seemed and nothing will ever be the same again.

Some skeletons are best left in the closet.

Holly Leaves

Chick lit mixed with a serial killer plot makes for edge of your seat reading.

This review is from: Next of Sin (Kindle Edition)

Chick lit mixed with a serial killer plot makes for edge of your seat reading. This book is a real page-turner, making the reader race through the book to find out what happens next and to find out if the characters survive or not and does the killer get captured.
The author takes you on a journey through different cultures and countries as the story unfolds giving the reader snippets of insight into different worlds. And there are deeper issues that are unveiled and explored.
I think the author has found a unique niche with the mixture of these two genres and this is a book, which will appeal to readers who love chick lit and those who love a good serial killer thriller.
At the same time it is a light and entertaining read and needs to be loaded onto your kindle and packed into your suitcase as a must have holiday read.


A Sealed Fate Creates Quite the Scene



Thrillers can be so cookie cutter today, so it was nice to encounter one that clearly was not. A Sealed Fate draws readers in by setting a fantastic scene: an outsider’s view of Dubai.

And setting, for thrillers, is so important. To really feel the tension, one must be able to really see the setting, to imagine oneself in it. It’s no easy task, but Lisa Gordon does it well, painting for us a detailed picture of life in Dubai, providing us with a variety of creative, independent characters that make the plot pop even more.

Valda is a woman with a broken past, seeking a new start, a new life, in a new land. But as things seem to be turning in her favor, she meets a billionaire sheikh, and all bets are off. Her friend, Larissa, an astrologer, tells her that both she and the shadowy sheikh are sealed together (hence the title), but at the same time, she keeps some secrets back from Valda.

Gordon’s novel is a short one, and that works in its favor. She keeps her plot moving at a quick pace which keeps the reader’s attention, yet she doesn’t quicken it enough to skirt around character depth or setting detail. It’s the type of book that is easily read in a few sittings (or even one, if you’re truly hooked!), but it stays with you as well. Gordon’s writing style lends itself well to mystery and suspense. If she keeps it up (which I’m sure she will), she’ll have plenty of more great stories coming our way!
Comment |


BOOK REVIEW of NEXT of SIN by Glyn Smith-Wild

What do you do if you discover that someone very close to you is a killer?
That’s what this book is all about. Lisa describes the doubts, the conflicts of emotion and the raw feelings of reality as the story unfolds. The protagonist, Gaby, and her friends come across with consummate reality, and before the end of the book, you come to know them very well.
Lisa has either travelled widely, or really knows how to use Google Earth. No matter, the descriptions of the many international venues come across vividly, and you feel yourself transported to each of them.
I think I would have given this book a five star rating were it not for the number of typos. It is only because of that that I have awarded four stars.

Link to book here:


99 Places to Promote your Book




Put the MOJO back into your marketing.

99 Links to Reviewers, blogs and places to promote a FREE or 99 Cent day.

Are you a new indie author bamboozled about how to market your book?
Are you an established self pub author sick and tired of submitter tools and struggling to get reviews?

This book starts by covering the basics ie cover, blurb and formatting to ensure that you have all bases covered and your book looks professional and attracts your niche audience.

I then go through the social media sites ie facebook, twitter, google+, Pinterest and youtube with the latest ways to promote on these platforms.

There is a list of essential websites packed full with author resources.

I then go through all the websites where you can promote your FREE, 99 cent and discount book – letting you know which books are accepted, the applicable charges and the facebook and twitter followings so that you can save time and money by quickly pinpointing which sites suit your genre and budget. No need to follow submitter links to inappropriate websites.

Then there is the a list of reviewers and their blogs along with the book genres they review. All these reviewers are easy to contact and accept Indie book and eBooks.

99 Places to get your book seen, read, reviewed and appreciated.

This book assumes you already know how to publish on kindle and smashwords.

FREE BOOKs and 99 Cent Books

I have 2 full length thrillers; 1 play; 1 Paleo Diet Cookbook; 1 healthy eating cookbook; a book PR book and two horoscopes books in kindle.

I will also let you know when  quality kindle books on health, diet, nutrition and well being or thrillers are discounted.

I only send out emails when these books are free/99c, not every day as I carefully select only quality books.

If you would like to know when my books (and those of my associated publishers) are FREE or 99 cents, please complete form:


Are you an author?

Do you have no time to market your book?

Do you have no time to seek out reviews?

Do you have no time to promote your FREE or 99cent days.

Let me help.  I am an established author with 5 years experience of indie publishing and promoting.

Get in touch to let me know your needs.