Now 99c and 99p – Next of Sin Psychological Thriller – Kindle, Nook, Kobo and Apple



A series of supposed drownings all bear an eerie hallmark and young lawyer Gaby is the first to link them as the handiwork of a ruthless and conniving serial killer; a killer with a mask of respectability and success, a killer she knows only too well.

Recently married and on the brink of partnership at her firm, Gaby should be on top of the world, but she has stumbled upon something which will make her enemies in high places and will tear her personal life to threads. Who will believe her? Who can she trust?

Gaby joins forces with former detective, Robbie Baggio and they race to gather the evidence and bring down the web of evil protecting this serial killer. However the killer’s instincts alert him to danger and when those closest to the Gaby start turning up dead, she must rely on both her legal skills and grim determination to ensure justice is served.

Conspiracy at the top levels of the judiciary and corruption weaving its way right to the heart of family life; there is more to Gaby’s mission than unmasking the murderer.

A thriller that will make you wonder if you can ever trust anyone again and the safe answer… NO.

Kindle Version of Next of Sin

Nook  version of Next of Sin

Kobo version of Next of Sin

Apple Version of Next of Sin

Sugar-Free Cakes, Cookies, Muffins and Tarts: Sugar-Free Cakes, Cookies, Muffins and Tarts


40 decadent sugar-free recipes, from cakes to cookies and pies to muffins are at your disposal so you don’t have to reach for that bar of chocolate or that candy next time you crave for something sweet.

The amount of sugar found in food nowadays is staggering! If we were to compare our diet today and the diet of our ancestors the conclusion would be that we consume dozens of times more sugar.

In these conditions, there is no wonder that often our system fails and it breaks into what doctors consider the diseases of the century – type II diabetes, obesity and heart problems.

This book focuses mostly on desserts that have no refined sugar added and most recipes in fact don’t require any other processed sweetener either. Instead, the place of the sweetener has been taken by healthy additions, fresh fruits or interesting flavour combinations so those of you who give these recipes a try have nothing to lose, but only to gain!

Simply bake yourself a batch of these and snack on desserts that are both delicious and healthy! Sit back and indulge guilt free.

Click here for more and reviews

I decided at the start of the year to cut out refined sugar. It is so bad for you and the main cause of obesity years ago when the low-fat diet became so popular. There is more sugar in a low fat yogurt than a normal yogurt and that is just crazy.

This book is great in the sense that it cover EVERYTHING any sweet tooth person could possible dream about but without the dreaded refined sugar.The peanut cookies have just 3 ingredients and they are super easy and tasty. The no crust pumpkin pie was delicious and only lasted an hour in our house so I am making another one this weekend for a dinner party. Down with sugar.


This is an exclusive LIMITED TIME offer to those who have read my thriller NEXT OF SIN.

Fill in the contact form and I will send you a free kindle ebook of the title you have selected.  List of titles are below.


Horoscope 2015                                PALEO DIET



New Nordic DietHollyLeavesa


alternativemedicineforpetsGEMINI EXPLAINED

PETS                                              GEMINI





Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon









Gemini have leapt from 2015 into 2016 with the foot on the accelerator. In many ways, you cannot wait for 2016 to begin as you have plans and projects to put in motion, and you are eager to continue what you started in 2015. You feel as if your batteries are fully charged and your tank full; you are energetic and motivated. You feel dynamic and are on the offensive with ideas and optimism about the future. Attack is the best form of defence, and this is an ideal time to go for things no holds barred. You should tackle obstacles head on, and use your initiative and drive to either circumvent or flatten opposition.


Following the success of HOROSCOPE 2014 and 2015, Lazuli will again be releasing 12 astrology books: one for each star sign’s horoscope for 2016.

A big thank you to all the amazon buyers who supported me in 2014 and 2015.

Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2016 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering ‘what now’ in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2016? What opportunities can they supply the energy for?

Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the bookshelf with this insightful and motivational book. Includes a detailed yearly overview for Gemini, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career. A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level.


Aries Horoscope 2016

Aries Horoscope 2016

CLICK HERE for MORE – Aries Horoscope

“In some ways it is a ‘rites of passage’ year where you need to prove yourself, reach personal milestones and make your mark on the world. This is a year where identity issues matter greatly – you will be more in touch with who you are and who you want to be and you will be less tolerant of the demands others put on you if they are not consistent with your inner nature. It is not a case of being who you are and looking for acceptance; it’s about being who you are and loving and accepting yourself no matter what others think.”

Following the success of HOROSCOPE 2014 and 2015, Lazuli will again be releasing 12 books: one for each star sign’s horoscope for 2016.

A big thank you to all the amazon buyers who supported me in 2014 and 2015.

Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2016 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering ‘what now’ in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2016? What opportunities can they supply the energy for?

Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the bookshelf with this insightful and motivational book. Includes a detailed yearly overview for Aries, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career. A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level.


Taurus Horoscope 2016 in Paperback and Kindle

Taurus Horoscope 2016 in Paperback and Kindle

Now on amazon: Taurus Horoscope 2016

You can be very disciplined and self-denying in order to achieve goals this year; you are highly persistent and dogged even when you suffer setbacks. You are more determined than ever to show your doubters what you are made of. You will gain momentum and self-confidence from discipline and adherence to routines and goals; solid hard work pays dividends. No matter how daunted you may feel at times or even out of your depth, no obstacle cannot be tackled and each hurdle crossed will give you a boost of energy and a surge of self-belief.
You will become more assured of your unique identity and role in life as the events of 2016 unfold. So buckle up and get ready for an interesting, varied, entertaining and uplifting year.


Following the success of HOROSCOPE 2014 and 2015, Lazuli will again be releasing 12 astrology books: one for each star sign’s horoscope for 2016.

A big thank you to all the amazon buyers who supported me in 2014 and 2015.

Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2016 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering ‘what now’ in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2016? What opportunities can they supply the energy for?

Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the bookshelf with this insightful and motivational book. Includes a detailed yearly overview for Taurus, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career. A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level.

NOTE: These are monthly astrology horoscopes.

SUGAR FREE DESSERTS WITH PAZAZ: Paleo, Gluten Free and Sugar Free Desserts for Weight loss.

Sugar is the devil we all know – addictive and dangerous.



Click here:

Sugar not only rots our teeth and makes us fat, it depletes valuable minerals from the body, uses up Vitamin C and feeds cancer cells.

Popular diets like Paleo, Candida and Alkaline forbid sugar and that is why I have also included Paleo and Candida compatible recipes too.

Go ahead and try making your very own sugar-free desserts and we guarantee you that your family will enjoy them as they are GUILT FREE and actually contain both fruits and nuts which can dramatically enhance health by improving your nutrition.

I have included some unusual and exotic ingredients to make these desserts show stoppers for dinner parties; however I make suggestions for alternatives in case you have difficulty sourcing these items.

Some of the ingredients are super foods which can enhance your health by giving you an injection of vibrant nutrition as well as flavor.

Now on amazon:


If you are interested in astrology, numerology, palm reading, psychic readings, clairvoyance etc then you are already aware that life is not one big coincidence, but a series of patterns and puzzles from which we can decipher clues as to our unique potentials and destiny.

Now on amazon

As many of you know I write books on astrology, however numerology is the perfect complement to astrology in terms of gaining an insight into your personality, psychology and life path.

Numerology is a simple way of gaining insights into yourself and others via those most fundamental letters and numbers connected to you ie your name and date of birth. The date of birth is key as it is the one constant in life: our name and place we live changes, but as the compass always points North, our date of birth is fixed and fundamental to who we are.

The purpose of this book is to dive right into numerology with a hands on guide to how to calculate your numbers from your birth date and name and to derive what they mean for you.

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon