Is October 15 Satanic? MP Stabbing Attack, New Merck C0v1d Drug, Max Igan

Is October 15 Satanic, does it have esoteric significance?
The Italian green pass was implemented on October 15 as it was in many other places.
MP David Amess was killed on Oct 15, I talk about why his death was odd.
Truth activist Max Igan has left Australia…mmmm.
New Merck it safe?



If you are interested in astrology, numerology, palm reading, psychic readings, clairvoyance etc then you are already aware that life is not one big coincidence, but a series of patterns and puzzles from which we can decipher clues as to our unique potentials and destiny.

Now on amazon

As many of you know I write books on astrology, however numerology is the perfect complement to astrology in terms of gaining an insight into your personality, psychology and life path.

Numerology is a simple way of gaining insights into yourself and others via those most fundamental letters and numbers connected to you ie your name and date of birth. The date of birth is key as it is the one constant in life: our name and place we live changes, but as the compass always points North, our date of birth is fixed and fundamental to who we are.

The purpose of this book is to dive right into numerology with a hands on guide to how to calculate your numbers from your birth date and name and to derive what they mean for you.

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

GEMINI – Your Sign, Your Day, Your Decan

GEMINI – The Astrology and Numerology of THE TWINS



The most definitive guide to GEMINI ever and the PERFECT gift for your Gemini loved one.
Treat yourself to this cracking good read that will reveal talents, potentials, demons, personality and much, much more.

A tantalising personality reveal for Gemini and those looking for a in-depth insight into the characteristics of The Twins.

Unique features and chatty, insightful analysis.


The DECANS are explained, casting light on why Gemini can be very different to other Gemini.

A fascinating insight on how Gemini gets on with the other 11 star signs emotionally and sexually.

There is a personality reading for each day from May 21- June 20 of Gemini, nailing your personality right down to a tee.

Buy now on amazon –


Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

Numerology Deciphered exclusive to amazon

ON AMAZON at an INTRODUCTORY PRICE of 99c or 99p click here

If you are interested in astrology, numerology, palm reading, psychic readings, clairvoyance etc then you are already aware that life is not one big coincidence, but a series of patterns and puzzles from which we can decipher clues as to our unique potentials and destiny.

As many of you know I write books on astrology, however numerology is the perfect complement to astrology in terms of gaining an insight into your personality and life path.

Numerology is a simple way of gaining insights into yourself and others via those most fundamental letters and numbers connected to you ie your name and date of birth. The date of birth is key as it is the one constant in life: our name and place we live changes, but as the compass always points North, our date of birth is fixed and fundamental to who we are.

The purpose of this book is to dive right into numerology with a hands on guide to how to calculate your numbers and what they mean.

This is an ideal introduction, but it is not just an introduction but full of revealing information.
We will mainly be looking at the numbers 1-9 and the master numbers 11 and 22, but I will go over the exact meanings of the compound numbers in Book 2.

Link to buy:

NUMEROLOGY READING – What does the day you were born say about you?

The day you were born will always be special, but it is more than a chance to have cake, get drunk or party, it’s holds the unique keys to unlocking your personality and potential.

For a report on what your DOB says about you please get in touch here.


There is a $8 charge via PAYPAL


Symbolised by the Bull, Taurus has the capacity for acceptance, fixed determination and practicality and is noted for a strong sense of values and a love of beauty.  Taurus is motivated by feeling above all.  Taurus is a highly sensual sign and has a heightened response to and appreciation for beauty in all forms i.e. touch, sound, smell, taste and sight.

The Bull symbolises strength, tenacity, consistency and quite power.  When you see Bulls in a field they are always grazing or drinking together at the river; Taurus while not a party animal, is a social animal who enjoys company and togetherness.  Bulls are also rather docile and content unless aggravated, when they will unleash the full force of their wrath.  Taureans rarely seek conflict and are generally relaxed and easy going, but should you dare disturb the tranquillity and order of their lives, ‘Beware of the Bull’. 


Sexually Speaking

Taurus are often rather shy sexually at first or with a new lover.  Some of them are slow to arousal, but once aroused their desire is earthy and powerful.

In sexual encounters Taurus do not like to be rushed; it’s all about taking time and savouring the moment.  Taureans tend to like sex when they feel comfortable i.e. in familiar surroundings or where they feel safe

Taureans dislike sexual gimmicks, they like sex like they live their lives: down to earth.  If the lover can get past The Bull’s “quirks”, they’ll find that the wait is totally worth it.


In Career

Taureans have an amazing ability to focus and concentrate.  In Japan, a Taurus country, the cuisine is world renowned as superb, as chefs will specialise in a particular dish exclusively.

Most Taureans will tend to have well-defined long-term goals and the determination to achieve them. Bulls are unlikely to take on too many projects at once.   Taureans do not set out to do something if they think they can’t – they are not willing to gamble their reputation in that way.  Adaptability is not Taurus’ string point and so fast changing work environments or work places where there is a constant state of flux and disorganisation will not appeal to them.

Accounting, banking, the arts (music and acting), building, architecture, farming, catering and restuaranterring are careers that appeal to Taurus.



Although slow to demonstrate their feelings, a Taureans affections are strong, deep and long lasting.  They make faithful friends and lovers and will sometimes cling to a relationship, reluctant to let go even when it is clear that it has failed.  Bulls hate being alone and won’t live the single life for long (even if this means taking in a room-mate).  Some Taureans are quite content to stay within the family home for many years, when they do finally move out, it is a wrench.  They appreciate tangible tokens of love in the form of gifts and will always reciprocate in kind. Bulls cannot stand rows and would rather let things be than initiate any form of friction.  Sometimes Taureans end up putting up with way too much.  Very steadfast and a reliable partner, Bulls are also very sensual but inclined to be possessive and a little jealous.

Taureans make friends easily due to their relaxed, non-judgmental attitude.  They are very friendly and sociable and will have no shortage of social engagements.  However, Bulls are home birds really and enjoy to be with their family rather than raving it up every night.  Having a very strong ego, a Taurus doesn’t have to prove his popularity by going out with the in crowd each night – he’ll stay at home and let his friends come and get him, he is very sure of himself.

Something about their manner indicates to others that the Bull will make a satisfying lover and partner.  Taurus crave a certain measure of constancy and dependability in relationships and are drawn to the other fixed signs i.e. Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo because of this, even if these do not represent easy relationships.




Vulnerable parts of the body are the neck, throat, shoulders and upper torso. Sore throats, stiff necks, tonsillitis, pneumonia, croup, lymphatic stasis of the neck and head, asthma, bronchitis, Graves’ disease, laryngitis, hyperthyroidism, metabolic dysfunction (leading to obesity) and earache are common Taurean ailments.

The average Bull has superb health and it takes a lot to put him on his back, however recuperation can be slow due to a stubborn refusal to obey the doctor and a natural distrust of optimism which doesn’t encourage speedy recuperation

Taureans are generally work-a-holics who try to achieve a high standard in everything which they attempt, never quitting and often pushing themselves to the point of physical exhaustion. The Bull must pace him/herself and learn where the mental or physical OFF switch is. Breaks, fresh air and moderate exercise is vital.




You intuition is enhanced this year and should not be ignored – Taureans are very perceptive and quite psychic although that is not discussed very often as you are such a down to earth sign.  Bearing in mind what I said about you mentally be inclined towards practicality and factual analysis, there is no denying that you are getting feelings: gut feeling, hunches and instincts about things and people and you should not ignore these.

In 2014 you are working hard toward the practical things, but at the same time your heart is yearning for something more meaningful and purposeful and later on in the year events will allow you to bring that meaning into your life.  Reading self-improvement or spiritual books combined with a need to get away from it all are some indicators of that need to connect with another side of yourself.  Writing or being creative with music or art could be the escape and the avenue to release both artistic talents and emotions that you are looking for. 

Taureans often mask emotions that are hard to deal with via over-work, over eating or obsessive exercising – later this year you may attract people into your life who will help you to confront these emotions instead of burying them away. 

Self-honesty and a pull towards reflection, meditation and also prayer are fundamental to your well-being and you will find yourself exploring these and other similar modes of spiritual understanding. 

Artistic pursuits by their nature create a tornado of emotion which can whisk up feelings and bring deeply seated issues to the surface – thus Taureans who work in the arts or creative enterprises tend to be closer to their emotions and so this can be a cathartic time when these emotions are better understood.

Taureans are finally understanding things that they never quite got to grips with before – but the question is: What can you do with this understanding?

LISA LAZULI – Former BBC WM Astrologer and author of:

TAURUS – Your Day, Your Decan, Your Sign.

HOROSCOPE 2014 – Astrology and numerology Horoscopes.


Born May 15


Gifted in art and music from a young age, these talents need nurturing and you need encouragement from teachers and parents.  A mysterious person you have psychic gifts which will benefit you most if used later in life to help others be it through healing or psychic reading.

You learn by doing.  You are the sort of person who watches someone playing piano and gets the hang of it, rather than the sort of person who learns though tedious piano lessons.  Those born on this day are often child prodigies, but not classroom lovers.  As soon as you get out of the classroom and start doing something you begin to excel.  For this reason young people on this day do well in apprenticeships and it may well be that their hobbies become their career ie sports, music, theatre.

You love to cook, but you do it with flair and feel rather than with recipes.

Harmony and fair play are important to you; you hate nastiness and unpleasant feelings.  You often act as peacemaker and you always apologize when you have hurt another – you will not allow bad feeling to fester and linger.

Very glamorous and sociable you will attract attention and may get acclaim at a very young age.  Despite your love of being out, socialising, going to plays, cinema, concerts and being seen at the right places, you have a very strong attachment to your home and family.  Despite appearances no one appreciates a cozy night in front of the telly with family and loved ones as you do.

You love children and make an excellent parent and teacher; your creativity and loving, warm manner make you a hit with the young people.


For more info on what being born on this day means for yourself and 2015 please click here:





Now available on Amazon: the most definitive guide to Taurus EVER!!!

The PERFECT gift for your Taurean loved one.

A tantalising personality reveal for Taureans and those looking for a in-depth insight into the characteristics of The Bull.

Unique features and chatty, insightful analysis.
Chapters include: LOVE, CAREER, WORK and INTERESTS, SEX and HEALTH.

The DEACANS are explained, casting light on why Taureans can be very different.
A fascinating insight on how Taurus the Bull gets on with the other 11 star signs emotionally and sexually.

There is a personality reading for each day from April 21- May 21 of Taurus.

Includes predictions based on which day you were born in April/May.

A Cracking good read that will reveal talents, potentials, demons, personality and much much more.

Link to buy:

Spring predictions for CANCER


from Horoscope 2014 by Lisa Lazuli

Balancing the demands of work and career is a hard act to pull off this Spring.  There is just so much going on right now in terms of changes within your career and life direction, big changes going on in the life of your partner and inner changes within yourself.  This is a big spring in a year of huge personal development for you.  A wave of optimism will carry you through despite the demands and you will thrive on the feeling that the hard work is worth it.  Many Canercians may experience a role reversal when you go from being a stay at home mom/dad to the major breadwinner or from secondary household salary to primary. Satisfaction can be achieved via learning or teaching and there is a strong emphasis on the exchange of ideas.  If you are a writer, something you have written may really catch on in late April especially if it is very informative to people in terms of health and personal development.  You may achieve an award or recognition for an invention or something which you have researched and documented.  Your ideas are where the spotlight is.

The solar eclipse at the end of April will propel you to shift your focus towards group and organisational goals; volunteering and charitable activities may result.  You may become concerned about humanitarian or green issues or speaking up for a cause.  Involvement in a group goal or activity may help you gain a new sense of confidence or self-worth.


What is in Store for Gemini this Spring

From HOROSCOPE 2014 by Lisa Lazuli



How do you deal with people whose values, attitudes and beliefs are diametrically opposed to yours/  Gemini are in a position where you are having to work with and go along with either a company, relative or associate whose way of going about things is conflicting with the way you believe things should be done.  It’s a matter of principle on which you disagree and the fundamental difference is making your life and your position untenable.  Gemini must decide whether to pull back from this situation or to go along in the short run to avoid letting people down.  Long term you will have to disengage from dealing with this person/people and perhaps now is the time that you will see that.

The solar eclipse on April 28 will have you thinking about money: material status and financial reward will be a focus as will envy and striving to do better and have more.  Do not allow your eagerness to become recklessness when it comes to both earning and spending – do not gamble with resources in a hasty ill thought out manner.  Conspicuous and impulsive spending can be a part of this – so guard against spending more than you have or running up debt.  Ask yourself: do I need this? Why am I really buying this? Is this purchase about pride and ego?  Can I afford it?

This is be a very prosperous period financially as long as you are not motivated out of pride and ego.

On a deeper level this solar eclipse can bring about circumstances where you are forced to draw on the deep reserves of strength and mental energy you have – it may lead to one of those experiences where you realise how strong you are.

While some Gemini will redefine how they stand in the world via financial gain and wealth, with other Gemini, it will be all about the inner riches: dealing with a circumstance will suddenly help you achieve a greater sense of psychological security and a deeper connection with who you really are.