Yearly and Monthly Astrology Forecasts



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Yearly overview and monthly forecasts for Pisces on love, life, sex and career.

“There is something electric in the air and Pisceans feel a sense of impending change and opportunity – life is about to go from simmer to boil.
Pisces is all ready to embrace 2019 and you are staring by getting the roadmap out – no, I do not mean to A-Z of whatever you are, you are going to be looking at the potential routes for your life and how to reinvigorate your goals. It is not about career goals as such, it is about having a purpose and knowing that there is meaning in your life.
We all have to let some hopes and dreams die along the way as we cannot chase every star and often dreams fade as we mature and basically grow up and yet it is vital to have dreams and hopes as they are what give our life a little bit of salt and stop it becoming bland. Pisces is more aware of the role these dreams and chasing them have on your life and you are ready for some new ones. Some call this phase a life audit, and yet that can be confused with a midlife crisis which has all sorts of negative connotations of balding men with sports cars and trophy girlfriends, this is not what Pisces are going through, it is more to do with injecting life with greater fulfilment and also having goals which serve as avenues to meet new and different people and rediscover things about yourself.”



Daily Horoscope May 24, 2018


Love – Gossip and hearsay can give rise to misconceptions and misunderstanding so make sure you get your facts right before you fly off the handle.

Career – For those who work in big companies there is the chance to make a good impression which can affect promotion later in the year. Teachers can be highly effective this month and you will have an impact on your students’ lives by making education more relevant and practical.

Health – You are in a frugal mood and ready for some austerity for the sake of your bank balance or your waistline. Watch out for low blood sugar, but otherwise you should feel fit and healthy.


Love – Be really clear on who you are and what you stand for, and do not be tempted to sit on the fence – you may not realise it, but others are just not ‘getting you’ right now.

Career – You will have pause for thought after something a parent says to you unexpectedly, and it may cause you to hold back on a decision or plans for later this month.

Health – There is no substitute for discipline and skill and so on the sporting fields as well as for those who do tricky work with their hands, back to the practice ‘field’ – don’t forget the basics.


Love – This is an exciting time for your social life and also for budding romance. You are, however, a little naïve in love, and while you are romantic and very open to new relationship experiences, you should be a little more cynical and perhaps hold back the emotions until things become clearer.

Career – This period coming will see strong new friendships formed, and you will be inclined to join groups and participate in joint activities that have scientific, humanitarian and social focus.

Health – It is important not to let things drift in terms of diet plans just because you have lost a few or are feeling better; you need to keep on top of things, and that means making notes, to-do lists and keeping a diary of calories or treat days.


Love – It is very important for you to think before you speak and to be careful of revealing any Achilles heels you have to anyone who may seek to manipulate you.

Career – It is not a great time for flamboyant or exciting new ventures, but more of a consolidation period of tidying up and re-ordering your work life.

Health – Curiosity killed the cat is a very apt cliché for – while you are extremely alert and perceptive, some things should be left untouched.


Love – Values are very important to you right now, and you will be firm on setting an example to your children via the way you and your partner communicate, resolve issues and react to problems.

Career – There will be many changes at work in terms of new systems, new locations, new technology; this can cause a great deal of upheaval and changes in terms of the power structure at work.

Health – You need to be more open to what is causing your health issues from a psychological, pathological and dietary perspective to be able to acknowledge when you and you alone can take action and make changes.


Love – It is also a time when you cannot underestimate the value of silence or of holding back. It may be more about what you don’t say than what you do say.

Career – Work alone is favoured as work in teams can be very frustrating for you and also inhibiting. If you have a choice whether to work independently or with someone – choose to be independent.

Health – Energy can come and go, and you need to conserve strength and build yourself up with nutritious food and rest.


Love – Although your sexual energy and desire are high, you may fulfil your sexual needs more via fantasy and escapism through art and music than through physical contact.

Career – Regroup, rethink and reassess is the key, you may just want to pick up where you left off yesterday, but things have changed subtly, and you need to take stock.

Health – Going your own way and making independent decisions is not straightforward and often it is family pressures or values that will have the final say.


Love – What Scorpio says goes – your partner will have a very hard time convincing you of anything as once your mind is made up you will not be changing it.

Career – Don’t shoot the messenger – make sure you aim any frustrations and complaints you have at the source of the problem.

Health – Stay away from heated debates; you just do not need the hassle, and you can be drawn into time-consuming arguments that do not go anywhere.


Love – It is within relationships that you feel the most relaxed as they are an area where things feel stable, despite all the stress of everything else in your daily life.

Career – Do not jump the gun or rush anything for the sake of getting it done as you may merely have to redo it or you may even regret doing it.

Health – Drink more water and even try alkaline or distilled water to kick start your health if you are suffering from ailments or aches and pains.


Love – The important things in relationships are shared goals and a philosophical approach to life. The more you can relate regarding your overall approach to life in terms of your ideals and vision for the future, the more your relationship solidifies.

Career – You should not attempt to control everything in your work environment – some things have to be left to develop, and you should not get obsessed with tweaking and changing.

Health – This a great time to begin to get rid of inhibitions or feelings of inadequacy that block your self-expression. An excellent time for psychoanalysis, whether you go for counselling or investigate your feelings via literature.


Love – You need to address issues of control: you may be acting more controlling than you realise, and you may need to take a step back.

Career – You are very realistic now, which will enable you to take a long hard look at things and decide where to go next – decisions right now tend to be logical, not idealistic.

Health – It may be addictions, compulsions or buried emotions, but you need to get back that power and redirect the energy that you waste feeding those negative behaviour patterns.


Love – You can be quite sarcastic and abrupt at times as you are likely to be impatient with people who do not make an effort to understand you or who are superficial.

Career – You need to be able to lock into your core competencies and knowhow to keep the distractions which personality conflicts can create on the periphery, not allowing them to become obstacles.

Health – While advice from a medical professional can be helpful, you need to be sure that the relationship stays informal and does not become one where advice giving morphs into control.

Daily Horoscope May 1, 2018

Love – Aries are very intense and quite demanding, and so you may need to give your partner a bit of space and respect them if they want some breathing room as you can be hard to be with full time.

Career – Those of you in education can gain more influence and also have greater autonomy to lead in your field. Students can become more vocal or join student unions. A very good day for new initiatives to promote your services or goods – placing a new ad in the newspaper or doing a social media blitz can be very effective at drumming up interest.

Health – If you do not have a strong sense of purpose, you will seek it – often in weird and wonderful places.


Love – This is a fabulous time for new friendships connected to creative goals, and it is wonderful for collaborations artistically or even for going on tour with a performing group or a group looking to study art forms. While you are bust creating and having fun, romance may just be brewing without you realising.

Career – Keep gathering information, and keep checking how others are reacting and what is being said on the grapevine – a time to be keeping your ear to the ground and using all your sources.

Health – Patience is everything and you have to be observant of all signs of positive change as what seems insignificant may actually be the bud of what can blossom into something quite extraordinary.


Love – Friendships with peers and those who have similar professional interests are vibrant and exciting now and should be cultivated if you are in the dating game.

Career – Taking a leaf out of Capricorn’s book which is a bizarre thing to suggest a Gemini might ever do, you are cautious and not eager for quick fixes and fast coming results; in fact, you even welcome tough challenges as you have your eye on a bigger prize and are willing to wait for it.

Health – If you can get over that initial reflex to hold back and you do share some of the things that are bothering you, you can engender quite interesting and mutually revealing responses.


Love – Now is an ideal time, especially in budding relationships to straighten out any issues where the other person has totally the wrong idea about you or your intentions.

Career – Flashes of insight and ideas, many of which will still be very much in the raw material form abound. Take notes and keep diaries as you are quite scatty and may forget important meetings or events as you are so mentally preoccupied.

Health – Often negative parental messages and criticisms weigh hard and are the driver for great striving and ambition, but the results can be empty, and often they still do not heal that wound; so strive for results which fulfil yourself.


Love – Less is more, and so be gentle and delicate in your approach; win people over, and make your move with a light touch. Not a time when you can steamroll ahead; you must read people and intimate situations and react accordingly.

Career – Root and branch reviews of your operations, your expenses, and your staff are needed to see where and how you can rearrange resources or consolidate functions.

Health – Kickstart your month with an image change to match the other changes you see happening. This is an excellent time for lifestyle changes to improve your health and also your emotional well-being.


Love – Sexually, Virgo are experimental, but you are emotionally reserved, and so even if you initiate some spontaneous sexual encounters in your love life, it may not be tender or affectionate.

Career – Communications, especially with the public at large have greater impact and success. A great time for all internet or phone app initiatives or inventions. Social media marketing can be very successful.

Health – Right now, it is about playing the game, following procedure (even if tedious) and getting to know a diet or fitness regime back to front as superficial understanding can only lead to lacklustre results.


Love – You can be persuasive in a very subtle, non-threatening way, which helps you steer romantic events or discussions in your direction without anyone even noticing it.

Career – This is a good time for making purchases which can improve efficiency and enhance the image of your business, i.e., new signage, new business cards, new uniforms, new literature or a smart new website design.

Health – Libra are probably going to be eating more decadent, indulgent foods; however, you can still be healthy if you opt for fish over red meat, have soup as a starter to limit your appetite, opt for rice over pasta and choose coconut milk over creamy dairy sauces.


Love – Scorpio often test the patience of their partners with their demands and you can be especially eccentric – today you may be totally impractical about relationship issues, as well as hopelessly idealistic.

Career – Scorpio are all about action, no slow slide into the slipway of before you hit the high seas, you are ready to set sail. You will jump into projects with gusto and get your month going.

Health – A great period for a change in life direction. A very good time to renew or improve relations with those in authority and this may include your father.


Love – Role play can be very exciting in relationships and it may help you to get away from stagnated and predictable fore play and romantic activities.

Career – This is a good time to clarify goals; make a note of the next few steps and start researching your options, by crunching the numbers, market research, talking to personnel or checking industry websites for new opportunities

Health – All work with children is pretty stimulating, and you can learn as much from them as they can from you. You may have more time to do fun, educational activities with your children and you can connect with them in more meaningful ways.


Love – You cannot afford to be sentimental in your relationships or significant friendships – the relationships either has a purpose and it works, or it does not, and it cannot be there as crutch or because it is comforting to you.

Career – If you use your home as part of your business, you may find you have to update equipment or do alterations and improvements to make your business more efficient and also appealing to clients.

Health – Add blueberries to smoothies, salads or dried with nuts as chemicals found in blueberries contribute to fighting diseases as they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins.


Love – There is a sparkle in your eye, and others appreciate your quirks and eccentricities more than usual; when Aquarians are true to themselves you are the most alluring of all signs, but when you try to be what you are not you can be the most annoying.

Career – Aquarians may be arranging travel to attend a trade fair about technical products or to learn about new advances in your industry. Reading trade literature is vital right now.

Health – Kale is a wonderfood and so start using it more today and remember despite it’s toughness it can be steamed, sautéed, braised, roasted or blended in a smoothie.


Love – Pisces experience an internal gear change this month, what was once important is no longer important, and your love life will begin to reflect this as you drift away from activities, likes and tastes you were in amid with to new activities.

Career – Travelling to speak or promote a product will be successful. A good time to publish, submit an academic paper or start a new course of study. An excellent time to start a travel agency or business connected to international business travel or trade. Legal matters are favoured.

Health – Mental energy is high, and you can make great strides regarding any intellectual project or planning related goal. A great time for positive thinking and using visualisation to make a goal more real and vivid.

Daily Horoscope April 27, 2018


Love – You are not in a compromising mood and that can make you inflexible in relationships – this is a time when things can boil over and where Rubicon’s will be crossed and so be mindful in all you do as effects can be far reaching.

Career – This day where you are pushed to the limits of what you can do, and the obstacles especially in connection with authority can seem insurmountable, but there is a chink in their armour and you may be closer to victory than it seems and so hold on.

Health – It is a time to dig deep and to test your strength and so if you see a barrier go at it and push yourself psychologically to crash through any mental fear barrier you have set up.


Love – Strong opinions and attitudes often mean more to Taurus right now than love and so you may prefer you own company and your own unique interests to the kind of compromise relationships require.

Career – Time to push hard to achieve your dreams and you may need to reassess attitudes that hold you back or that create confining mind sets which limit expectations.

Health – This is an excellent time to start using positive thinking, you do not have to do affirmations, just focus on what you enjoy, what motivates you and follow your heart and not a route created for you by another.


Love – Emotions and tensions run high and Gemini will not be their usual slick talking selves as situations really draw you in and you are not able to keep as cool as you would have wanted too.

Career – You may have to put a great deal of extra work into your finances and taxes in order to get the better of the system – it is like you are cracking a code, Gemini will investigate the loopholes right now and find ways to save and make money go further.

Health – Do you know that an Oxford Uni and Coventry Uni study has linked a good sex life to increased mental ability and brain function for over 50’s and so if you are older, what a great excuse to revamp you sex life – Pluto in you 8th gets boosted by Mars.


Love – This is a make or break day in love and relationships and it may not be a relaxing Friday with fun times; it may be more like Union negotiations.

Career – Run ins with those who you often lock horns with may be impossible to avoid – show strength today and do not back down, hold your ground and keep a poker face.

Health – Eating smaller meals is more than just good for weight loss, it is also anti ageing – so make it a habit to eat small meals and to reduce appetite by using vegetable smoothies low in calories.


Love – Obsession is an issue in love – your partner may be acting obsessively and yet if you mention it, they will say it is you who are being obsessive – you may both play the blame game and so try and stay away from mudslinging.

Career – This can be an angry and irritable time for Leo; you get annoyed especially with colleagues and service providers and so you are best working alone and so take the day off and work from a home office.

Health – Anger is often linked to the liver and the amount of liver toxicity and so if you are feeling hostile for no real reason, you may need a liver detox – milk thistle tea is a great way to start along with eating stewed fruits.


Love – In romance the time of flirting and testing the waters is over and you need to decide whether to go forward or to drop it – an unforeseen cause of action may force your hand.

Career – For those Virgo who watch currencies, exchanges, stocks and crypto markets, this is a good time for intensive research and charting, especially if you are serious about increasing trading or doing it all more seriously.

Health – Being creative is a massive release for you and so whether you are stressed, lonely, horny, annoyed or unfulfilled throw yourself into something that engages the artist in you; you do not have to be artistic just grab a pen or paintbrush and do what you want.


Love – Does your partner respect you, stand up for you and put themselves out for you in practical ways? If not what’s going wrong?

Career – Work life balance may be a myth you should stop chasing after, find your own rhythm and be engaged when you are at work and attentive when you are home and do not forget to invest emotion in relationships. Know when you need to stop, Libra work well in bursts rather than in a linear way.

Health – Emotionally this is a turbulent time and anything you have repressed will boomerang back to you via sudden unpredictable events. You cannot run or hide; the past is coming to get you, so you can resolve it.


Love – Watch out for new dates who ask too many questions and then follow up those questions as if they are not satisfied – Scorpio may attract possessive controlling personalities right now.

Career – Have you got caught in cycle of work-a-holic-sim? They say that it is no longer about 9-6 and then home to relax; it is working flat out in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, and only slowing down later – but does this make sense or is it a quick way to burn out?

Health – This is great to time to sit back and question yourself – look at everything you are doing and ask WHY? If the reason is guilt or obligation, stop right there. You may even find you are doing things for no good reason at all and wasting that energy.


Love – You are very possessive right now and that can made you irrational in love – you have to hold yourself in check and allow your partner freedom even if it kills you.

Career – Watch out for a certain do or die attitude, your business and investment decisions right now can be highly emotional and also very extreme

Health – For a high energy meal when you have little imagination try steamed salmon, sweet potato (mashed with sunflower seeds) and spinach stir fried with coconut oil.


Love – An old family friend may re enter your life and this time you may find that romance and sexual attraction are suddenly on the cards and I mean suddenly.

Career – Watch the leading people in your network closely and see if they are using any new techniques or methods; you should also check what they are ordering in for clues as to the next moves in your industry.

Health – With Mars activating Pluto in your 1st house this is an ideal day for any kind of personal transformation that requires guts – a good day to start turning your ship around and heading in a better direction even if the initial changes are tiny momentum will build.


Love – This is not a good time for rebound relationships – licking wounds after a bad experience can be quite cathartic.

Career – Communication with superiors or government department have added importance today and should not be taken lightly – take your time and chose your works carefully without giving too much away.

Health – A quite stroll through the library and a browse in the archives can be strangely fulfilling and relaxing – the library may be you perfect place to get away from it all and fire up your imagination at the same time.


Love – Pisces never give their partners or lovers exactly what they ask, for you always give that bit extra as relationships are not about how little you can get away with doing, but how much joy doing things for a partner brings.

Career – A good day for scheduling business travel and for looking for the best deals – you should chose airlines and travel agents with more care as it could make all the difference.

Health – Friends can have a powerful effect on your for better or worse – they can challenge you to be better or drag you into negative habits and so be careful who you hang out with.

Daily Horoscope April 16, 2018


Love – Do not be scared to speak to your partner about making changes, small changes are the key and so break down the bigger problems into small changes that have the potential to grow into something more substantial.

Career – With Mercury going direct and the moon waxing you are ready to put your foot on the accelerator and start really putting the team back into your projects. Aries can feel the momentum building and you are positive and energised mentally.

Health – You have to know how to use the position you are in to maximum advantage; don’t worry about where you should be or where you want to be, use where you are and make the best of it.


Love – Do not make promises now as even if you make them in good faith you may well not want to keep them down the line when you wake up to certain things.

Career – Time to review your information, the important information on which you are basing both personal and professional decisions and throw some of it out and add some new items that can take you in a whole new direction.

Health – Do not ignore gut feel as there are things going on behind the scenes that you cannot know, but you may sense it and so you have to be alert to very subtle signals.


Love – Know who your real friends are and do not be inured into confiding or oversharing with friends who are new on the scene.

Career – You only have disappointments right now if your expectations were ill conceived and so it is time to refocus the lens and chose a slightly different target, that is more realistic and more helpful to longer term goals.

Health – Gemini are very much aware of the weak links in your chain – this could be you own weaknesses, especially reliance on social approval and social acceptance. Be your own person and you will get more long term respect. Leadership often means being disagreed with.


Love – Do not be scared of being blunt as when you make things perfectly clear, that’s when the mist lifts shining light on confusion and clearing the air in relationships.

Career – An excellent time to put out a new PR plan and start reengaging with the public in different ways and on different platforms.

Health – Know who has your back and nurture your connections with others, but only others with a proven track record. You want to put your faith in people, but chose wisely.


Love – You should avoid workplace romance, even if it is tempting – too much familiarity or flirting in the workplace can arouse both suspicions and jealousy in others and can make cooperation even harder.

Career – If you are getting academic work ready or preparing a report for work, this is a time to clarify all facts, data, and sources and make sure that everything checks out and is verified.

Health – Negative thinking is so dangerous right now and so even if you cannot be positive you must not slip into negativity, check yourself and get busy or get distracted before destructive thoughts snowball.


Love – Often important conversations go in roundabouts as neither of you want to say what needs to be said; it is the elephant in the room syndrome and will Virgo be the one to point out that elephant, I think so!

Career – With Mercury direct now, the complexities and also the contradictions in financial dealings and money-related arrangements begin to come into focus, and suddenly they are not that confusing, and you can iron things out and bring about some closure.

Health – Sexually you need to be a little careful – do not allow any sexual games or sexual activities undermine your confidence or your position in a relationship.


Love – Communication is always a vital part of Libran relationships and yet recently communication has been marred by lack of understanding and clarity, but that can be put right now.

Career – Time to give someone a second chance, Libra need to review recent events and take a more charitable view of certain people’s role in them.

Health – People contact can be a double edged sword and right now too much socialising can be detrimental to your overall health in terms of creating confusion and upheaval in your life.


Love – This is a great time for a new page regarding presenting a new you to the dating world and so whether it is a new style, a new set of venues or a new dating site, it is out with the old and time to tackle your love life with a brave and fresh new set of ideas.

Career – Scorpio had felt rather in the doldrums with work, not in a bad way as you are happy with what you have achieved, but you have been waiting for a major new direction to kick in and that will start from today.

Health – Hectic days and competing priorities have lead Scorpio to fall off the wagon in terms of positive well being routines and from today you can click back into good habits and chuck out those recently acquired bad habits in terms of late nights and bad food.


Love – Decision making in terms of your love life is favoured – suddenly you can see so clearly what is working and what is not and you can make some changes or even cut some recently developed tied with confidence.

Career – A better time for applying for funding approaches; Sagittarians who are using crowd funding, Patreon or Steemit can begin to see results suddenly coming in after a time of uncertainty. Those who trade crypto or who play markets are about to have a more lucrative phase.

Health – You need more sleep and yet you feel you need more entertainment and you may stay up late watching films or getting hooked on series.


Love – With Mercury going direct, you will experience greater clarity and confidence and can be decisive about family decisions, do not be scared to take the lead as your input can help nail the argument.

Career – Capricorn will find that issues connected to your work direction and creative focus begin to resolve themselves and turn out to have been only temporary hitches, not fundamental problems.

Health – This period is ideal for addressing issues that are deeply buried or far in the past rather than in the more recent past, issues connected with the family or parents are especially relevant.


Love – The biggest problem right now in love is thinking that you have no where else to go either sexually or emotionally – this is a time where you need to get deeper and have more productive conversations.

Career – It’s not over until it’s over and so do not shift into coast mode; keep focused until the final moment of any project – place that cherry on top just as carefully as you make the cake.

Health – Remember that your thoughts have power: regret breeds sorrow and reinforced helplessness, likewise self pity further drains self confidence.


Love – Distractions of no value at all are causing you to loe a connection to your partner – communication is often the first thing to go and so arrest tha downturn now and save problems in the future.

Career – Mercury direct in your 2nd encourages you to be more money wise remember when on social media that influencers and beauty gurus are giving you a sponsored sales pitch with slick edited images and videos designed to get your buying stuff you have no need for.

Health – Reinvent your flask and save money by drinking your own healthy teas or organic coffees rather than massively priced coffee shop or café take away beverages with environmentally damaging containers.

Daily Horoscope April 9, 2018


Love – While relationships can be extremely fulfilling and can offer a closeness which is healing and transformative, on the other hand, your overactive imagination can lead you up the garden path in terms of love and so you have to be sure that you are being realistic about where your relationship is at.

Career – Venus in your second house trine Mars makes this a very important period for relationships in business, these relationships can be inspirational and can take you into new territory as far as your career philosophy is concerned.

Health – Your imagination is extremely fertile right now and you may express yourself via photography, music or poetry. You are inspired by the aesthetic side of life and will indulge in movies, romantic music and artistic pursuits.


Love – Single Taureans may feel quite a degree of envy towards others who are in relationships since Taurus can often idealise what others have and obsess about it to the point that you allow yourself to feel inadequate.

Career – With Mars trine your ruler in your 1t house you can charm your way out of most problems – a little compromise and some diplomacy or an olive branch will go a long way to resolving issues and avoiding further difficulties.

Health – Singers, actors, presenters or receptionists who use their voice for a living need to avoid unnecessary talking, and in the case of professionals, you must warm your vocals up properly.


Love – You are inclined to be the more flexible, encouraging and motivated one right now, and while you don’t mind, you must pace yourself and not take on everything.

Career – you should not be over-reliant on a mentor, teacher or colleague; it is time to believe in yourself and to step up to the plate without waiting for a say so or for advice.

Health – Your energy levels are high as is your commitment to goals, but you should endeavour to have more balance in your life as you can be quite extreme right now – i.e. you may work hard, party hard and eat very badly, or you may put too much emphasis on one side of your business, neglecting the other.


Love – With Mars trine your 4th house ruler, chance meetings in the supermarket or a food store could lead to a date and to love – love now often springs out of mundane and everyday activities rather than from going pubbing, clubbing or internet dating.

Career – Business initiatives that start right now may have hidden pitfalls that may not be apparent at the get go – know what level of risk you are willing to take and indeed what level of uncertainty; if you do not want risk or uncertainty, do not go ahead or at least delay until you are sure.

Health – Make sure that you get your carbos, fats and proteins in a sensible proportion and that you eat adequate amounts of fresh food.


Love – This time in your life is one in which you are most likely to attract someone who appreciates you and can give you what you truly need emotionally. Partly because you understand yourself better.

Career – Goal should be more than just saving money, they should be about increasing income, getting that promotion or hitting that target. New income streams and new initiatives to earn money via your skills, talents or ability to use social media are indicated right now.

Health – You are very direct and will not don a facade for the sake of keeping anyone happy. As a result, you will make some really solid, supportive new friends who are attracted to who you really are and who click with you.


Love – Clarity can be a problem in new relationships; you may be unsure of what each other wants and expects. Communication is vital, but it may be that you end up talking at cross-purposes, and so you need to keep things simple and discuss one issue at a time.

Career – An excellent time for cultural awareness and for promoting tolerance and understanding. You have a fascination and appreciation of foreign cultures, and this is excellent for international travel to promote trade, cultural links and also for academic exchanges.

Health – There is a need to connect with something greater and to experiment and experience new and somewhat radical things. This is a time of letting go for Virgo and of allowing your guard down if only for a few moments.


Love – Relating to people one to one is more important to you than group activities, and you will enjoy spending time alone with your partner. A good period for bonding and rediscovering the value of closeness and sharing of intimate thoughts.

Career – You can inspire and entertain when you present information, and this can help you to be very effective in educating and making a point.

Health – Often, we complain about our lives not being very happy, but we fail to take action – there will always be things or people that get us down that we cannot change, but from today is all about taking steps in areas where we do have power and can create change.


Love – A very emotional and giving time in relationships. Scorpio are seeking extra sensitivity and understanding – they want your concentration and all of it.

Career – You are inclined to look for too much too soon this month and need a little more realism, especially when it comes to money as even successful projects can have a teething phase and can take some time to gather steam.

Health – Mars trine your 7th ruler makes you eager to jump in and get involved, but your schedule can quickly become overloaded this month, and so do be careful not to over-extend yourself by committing to things that could turn out to be a burden.


Love – Your love life will be full of surprises; you may have a secret admirer or a date with someone may come right of the blue.

Career – A great time for business and managerial roles as your 8th house is energised by Mars – you have the ability to organise people and resources appropriately. Sagittarians will find any work involving creating structure easy, and so if you need to plan timetables, layouts, PowerPoint presentations, complex formatting tasks or allocate funds, you can be very efficient.

Health – How about a detox week or even something simple like cutting out red meat on every odd day or having fruit for breakfast instead of a sugary cereal.


Love – Your private fantasy life is in overdrive right now, and this is very creative and also sexual, and thus can enhance your creative work or romantic life.

Career – It is a time of quiet confidence that you can prevail – losing a battle here and there won’t worry you as you are winning the war.

Health – Make sure you pick exercises you enjoy as you are more likely to stick with them; avoid doing what sounds great and promises much if it is not something you are naturally inclined to.


Love – There will be flashpoints in relationships about how to spend money, and it can be hard for you to get your point across. It may be better not to force the issue and to let things quieten down before you take it further.

Career – You will have to work hard to keep morale going and keep spirits up; there are some bumps in the roads regarding goals you share with others, and it is up to you to keep the focus and keep everything on track.

Health – You must use your intuitive ability to think more deeply about every action before diving in as this month there are many important things at play that are not immediately obvious.


Love – You really aim to shake things up, and this is great for long-term relationships that have become sterile, predictable and inflexible. The Piscean will make their partner stand up and take notice, and this can inject the relationship with a spark once again that can improve your sex life and also the way you relate to each other.

Career – You need to have a serious think about what it is in your work life that is holding you back from being who and what you want to be – it is no longer good enough to accept second best or play second fiddle.

Health – Nothing hydrates like natural water and so ditch the flavoured waters and fruit teas and go for a mineral or filtered water with a slice of lemon.

Daily Horoscope April 6, 2018

Love – Right now fun should be on your agenda and you need to be in places where you are noticed and where you can say, “hey world look at what I have to offer” and so be active in your social circles and also more active in any online meetup or romantic forums where you can connect with like minded.

Career – When you express yourself from your heart and are spontaneously creative you excel – this is a not a time to hold back and to cow tie, you need to allow ideas to explode off the drawing board, so have confidence in your creative and also your money making plans.

Health – With your fifth house ruler in your sign Aries you are encouraged to make resolutions connected to fitness and wellbeing and so an ideal time to do more of the things you enjoy especially if they involve the outdoors and being physically although they do not have to be formal exercise.

Love – Taurus are dark horses in love, you feel the need to hold back and while you can be very affectionate and also intuitive about your partner’s needs you will be reluctant to share your deeper thoughts right now.

Career – You may be craving the limelight or at least looking to make some kind of debut or entrance and yet things are not working out that way and you still have to wait in the wings for your curtain call.

Health – With a 12th and 4th house emphasis, Taurus may find themselves with some quiet time alone to think and you should use this wisely to analyse what is motivating and driving you right now and whether it is a positive or negative emphasis. You may feel quite flat and actually be looking to find a little magic motivation to help you shape the rest of the year.


Love – Sudden situations arise inexplicably and you need to be on your toes with explanations and also excuses as you may land in hot water over something that was not intended. Love actions have unintended consequences and so get ready for all outcomes.

Career – Gemini need to focus on working in tandem with the group energy – go with the flow rather than looking to strike out on your own. Know how to use the momentum you sense about you to capitalise – it is one of those, “if life gives you lemons, grab a G&T and make a cocktail.”

Health – You can benefit from both the company and input of your elders and so cultivate relationships with those who have age or experience in excess of yours as you can gain spiritually as well as receiving support from an unlikely source.



Love – You may feel that your partner is not “on board” with your aims as a couple right now, especially when it comes to saving and money choices – it may be a good time to say, “Hey we agreed on XYZ, do I have your support on that or not!” Put your partner on the spot in terms of their input and commitment to agreed goals.

Career – People can be working at cross purposes to you and so you need to check out what others are doing as their efforts or lack of may have more bearing on your success than your own efforts.

Health – Energy comes and goes and you have to watch out for being drawn into energy sapping dead end activities – you may set out to have a run and end up talking to a neighbour instead.


Love – Your positive attitude can give your partner a lift even if they are struggling; thanks to your broad shoulders and ability to stay sunny, things in love stay upbeat and proactive no matter what the overall picture.

Career – A new focus on long range goals, especially ambitious ones is needed so that you can make sure your day to day life right now is consistent with achieving those broader and bigger aims.

Health – Your energy is higher and you have a greater element of balance where you do not feel torn between pleasing yourself and pleasing others, which means you can get out of life what you need to find fulfilment and fun.


Love – You are pressed to deal with what is unpleasant; in some cases you almost want to rock the boat or start some controversy to bring about greater honesty. You want the truth and will get at it some how

Career – With your 12th and 8th house emphasised you may need to work hard on bringing a project to a close and this may mean extra time or overtime which you may not even get paid or recognised for, will have to be done.

Health – Virgo are all about self analysis – you need to wallow in both self pity and also sadness just to get certain stuff out of your system. Some dredging up of past issues is therapeutic.


Love – Effort in love is not always reciprocated and you have to take an attitude of ‘I did my best, I cannot do any more’, accept that some romantic situations are out of your full control.

Career – You have to watch out for people who are competing for the same promotion or contract as they are going to up their game and so you can’t be at all complacent.

Health – Libra can be all or nothing today – you are either the laziest person on the planet or you are chasing down a rainbow, no half measures.


Love – This is a good time for marriages where you work together or in a similar field – there is quite a bit of industry gossip and your zest for work goals spirals up with the mutual support.

Career – Commitment and dedication at work pay off and so any extra work done or the extra mile of effort can pay dividends in terms of a promotion or leap forward in term of the career ladder. Make sure you maintain perfection as any lapse can cost dear.

Health – Scorpio should use today to set some long term health milestones to reach ie pounds to lose, miles to run, gym targets etc – calculate something to aim for and then get cracking. Health goals should be specific to increase motivation.


Love – There is a feeling of renewal in love, a little like a page has been turned and you are starting a new phase in terms of understanding and also in terms of the things you are now working towards.

Career – A new phase at work is looming and you may feel like you have to gather yourself – there is anticipation and also a few nerves and you will be forced to recognise a small lack of confidence rearing its head.

Health – A time of improving health, but you should not waste the surge in energy, Sagittarians should aim high and look to run that extra mile or lift a few heavier weights.


Love – Sex life and general family commitments due to children and step children are at odds – intimacy will continue to be at a premium as you and your partner are torn away with various emotional entanglements.

Career – A time to research very carefully any financial decision, you need to crunch numbers and look at data, you may have to look at data spanning many years.

Health – Family issues can reach a crisis point and there is nowhere to hide, you must deal with things and help resolve conflict especially over money issues. What is not dealt with now will eat away at you.


Love – This is an excellent time for long distance or medium distance love relationships where you have that added excitement of travelling to meet up and then being forced to make the most of that rare and precious time together.

Career – A time where you may have to prepare for negotiations and where you need to anticipate the next move of a competitor or colleague – it is not enough to know what you are doing, you need to get into the heads of others and see it from their POW.

Health – Travel for pleasure is an ideal way to relax. Cultural tours to museums, galleries, exhibitions etc can be the mental break you have been craving.


Love – Pisces want to be treated right and so point your boy or girl friend in the right direction by dropping as many hints as possible that it is time for a meal out, movie or even concert.

Career – Money can be made now due to your unique technical skills. Pisces looking for work or freelancing must focus on and emphasis your specialities rather than trying to tick all the boxes and be an allrounder. A good time to enrol on a course where you gain a more specialised skill or trade.

Health – A sauna to sweat out impurities can be very helpful. A sauna then a cold dip could be the ideal way to kick start your immune system which could be rather sluggish.

PISCES HOROSCOPE 2015 – Now on Amazon



“You have a very courageous attitude this year: you are open to the possibilities of your life and you are also more open emotionally to others and this will enable you to embrace new experiences and new people getting right to the heart of any matter very quickly. The choices will seem limitless although procrastination can be an issue as with this wide open vista ahead of you, it may not be easy to choose a way forward. Placing pressure on yourself is not the answer, you should allow your instincts to guide you and you should go with the flow of your heart, allowing destiny to make order of the chaos. In fact chaos per se should not concern you as there is more design in what seems to you to be confusion than you realize and things are falling into place quite mystically.”

Following the success of best-seller HOROSCOPE 2014: Astrology and Numerology Horoscopes, Lazuli will be releasing 12 books: one for each star sign’s horoscope for 2015.
Are you looking in the mirror wondering what 2015 will hold? Do you feel at an important crossroads? Do you need direction or a kick start? Are you wondering ‘what now’ in terms of love and relationships? How are the Stars lining up for you in 2015? What opportunities can they supply the energy for?

Popular resident astrologer of BBC WM Lisa Lazuli takes her straightening, down to earth approach to astrology from the air waves to the bookshelf with this insightful and motivational book.

Includes a detailed yearly overview for Pisces, followed by monthly forecasts broken into love, life and career.

A chatty, sincere read to help inspire, guide and alert you to the unique possibilities of your life on a practical, emotional and spiritual level.

To Buy Now: Click here